![]() | arizona association of crime analysts |
Membership includes access to exciting training classes, informative quarterly meetings, membership directory, exclusive member-only resources and information as well as access to listservs for connection to other members.
Membership dues are for a calendar year (January 1 – December 31).
AACA does not pro-rate membership dues. Dues paid between November 1 and December 31 are applied through the end of the next calendar year. Please read the AACA By-Laws (Article III, Section E) for more information. All membership applications are subject to review and approval by the AACA Executive Board. The Board reserves the right to refuse membership to any applicant and to review the current status of any individual member at any time.
The AZTAN listserv is for sharing crime related news/problems across jurisdictions and is reserved for Regular and Dual Regular members only. The AACA listserv is for general informational purposes (not law enforcement sensitive) and is accessible to all Regular and Associate members. Marketing and solicitation are not permitted on any AACA Listserv.
Dual Regular Membership $55Same eligibility as regular membership. This option also includes membership to International Association of Crime Analysts (IACA).
| Regular Membership $40
Employees of Arizona criminal justice agencies, volunteer personnel of those agencies and individuals affiliated with criminal justice agencies are eligible for regular membership.
Dual Associate Membership $35Same eligibility as associate membership. This option also includes m embership to International Association of Crime Analysts (IACA).
| Associate Membership $20Arizona students, professionals teaching crime analysis courses, vendors with a niche in crime analysis or non-law enforcement people interested in crime analysis are eligible for associate membership.