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Criminal Intelligence & Analysis

In these turbulent times of increasing demands on resources, the heightened sophistication of criminals, the rise of predatory gang activity and the multitude of illicit activities that threaten our communities each day, the need for a responsible, proactive approach for determining and gauging the risks posed by crime and criminals is of critical importance.
This one-week (36-hours) “hands-on” course shows you how to use the “intelligence cycle” to easily guide the transformation of your raw collected data into actionable intelligence. Once trained, you will be able to recognize the hidden characteristics, protocols, and behaviors associated with complex criminal events; identify and link conspiratorial relationships and networks; discover the connections between criminality and finances; and effectively monitor, collect (covertly, overtly, and electronically), organize, and analyze data relating to a wide range of criminal endeavors. You will also learn how to develop, manage, support, and successfully conduct analyses using a variety of collation and graphic management techniques. This knowledge can then be applied to the more complex investigations of crimes committed by predatory criminals, criminal enterprises, gangs, and the criminal conspirators who engage in economic/white collar crimes, drug/narcotic and sex offenses, human and weapons trafficking, identity theft and fraud, counterfeiting,
corruption, and serial crimes.
Skill-building exercises enhance the “learn-by-doing” nature of the program. Actual investigations and criminal intelligence missions are also examined to further an understanding of the methods and techniques taught in the class and to demonstrate their practical application in today’s criminal environment.
The course curriculum is based on training recommendations contained in the National Criminal Intelligence Sharing Plan
(NCISP). The NCISP is the most widely accepted source of guidance currently available for intelligence operations and training programs that support law enforcement efforts to establish a capacity for Intelligence-led policing. It is also POST certified in many states.

October 24 - 28, 2016

2001 W Pinnacle Peak Rd
Suite 100
Phoenix, AZ 85027


For more information, click here:
AlphaGroup - Criminal Intelligence & Analyst - IntelBrochurePhoenix - RMIN - April 2016

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